College Station & Bryan FAQs
We get a lot of great questions about College Station and Bryan, TX from current residents and future residents. So many in fact, that we decided to put together an FAQ page to address those questions.
If you have a question and can’t find an answer below, get in touch with us directly here.
How close are Bryan and College Station?
Bryan, TX and College Station, TX are two distinct cities in Brazos County and make up the College Station/Bryan metro area. The two city centers of each city are approximately a 9 minute drive, or about 4 miles apart. There is no discernible line when crossing from one city to another.
How many college students live in College Station?
During the school year, College Station and Bryan are home to about 65,000 college students.
What is the population of College Station & Bryan Texas?
According to the most recent census numbers (in 2017) College Station counts 113,564 people as full-time residents. Bryan, TX has a population of 84,021.
Both cities are home to the students at A&M, so the local population increases during the school year.
What is the cost of living in College Station Texas?
According to Sperling’s Best Places, College Station has a lower average cost of living than the national average The biggest contributing factor to the cost of living in College Station is housing, which is above the national average.The median home cost in College Station is $241k, while the national average is $219k.
How big is Texas A&M?
Home to over 70,000 students and more faculty and staff, Texas A&M University occupies 5,200 acres (or 8.125 square miles).
What county is home to College Station?
College Station and Bryan are both located in Brazos County.
What college is in Bryan Texas?
Bryan, TX is home to Blinn College, a two year college, as well as the Texas A&M Health Science Center and RELLIS Campus of the Texas A&M University System. Blinn College is a major transfer university to Texas A&M University, Sam Houston University, Texas State University, University of Houston and the University of Texas.
Is Blinn College part of Texas A&M?
Blinn College is not part of A&M though they are closely linked. The Bryan campus of Blinn is prominently located nearby Texas A&M and has a very high transfer rate into A&M.